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How To Keep Your Head

'Will you stop it!' Captain Bill mooed. 'Stop it!..............STOP....IT!!!'

'You're just shouting at me because I've got wonky horns,' Annie replied.

'I am shouting at you because you are being deeply, deeply annoying!'

'...................................................................and because I've got wonky horns,' Annie whispered and she took just the tiniest step towards Captain Bill.

'GO AWAY!!!!' Captain Bill shouted.

Annie took a tiny half hoof step away from Captain Bill...and then leaned back in toward him.

'Does it happen very often?' she asked.

Captain Bill looked at her.

'Does what happen?'

Annie mouthed the words, 'The head thing?'

Captain Bill decided that the best course of action was to ignore her.

'I've got brown tape,' Annie added and she waved a large roll of it at Captain Bill. 'I wouldn't charge,' she continued. 'It could be our little secret.'

'Have you considered medication?' Captain Bill replied.

'I think brown tape would be better,' Annie mooed. 'It doesn't look loose at the moment but better safe than sorry.'

Captain Bill drew in a long deep breath.

'Can you,' he asked, 'see the other end of the ship?'

Annie very gently nodded her head.

'Could you,' Captain Bill continued, 'go there AND when you get there....keep going!'
