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A helping hoof

It's Thursday! You've missed him! (no you have, Cyril knows more about you than you could possibly imagine). But now he's back...

Iiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt'ssssssssssssss Cyrillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!

Morning Chums!

Now I'm not saying our team hasn't improved. Indeed they get better with every passing day. But I can't help suspecting that one or two members have become a bit... well, distracted. So for that reason and that reason alone, young Cyril has decided to lend a hoof to help our merry band of rowers through to the finals.

Now you know me (you do, some of you even have my picture hanging on your very walls), I'm not the sort of bovine who'd do anything underhoof but underwater is a different thing entirely!

So take a tip for your old pal and nip down the betting shop and have a monkey on Team Cow... it's a cert!*

Your Pal,


*All monies placed at your own risk, no refunds, other teams are available, pictures of Cyril can be bought on demand.


Anonymous said…
oh lawd... what's he up to now??!

[pssst! i'll have a fiver on team cow to win pleez...]
Almay Alday said…
Awesome illustrations!