'So?' said Captain Bill.
'She's got a little suitcase with her,' said Norma.
'Indeed!' replied Captain Bill. 'But the holiday I've booked isn't until later in the year.'
'Annie has feeling it's not connected with that,' said Norma.
'Right,' said Captain Bill.
'Annie thinks Geraldine wants to go somewhere.'
'A reasonable assumption,' said Captain Bill, 'given the suitcase.'
'And she's waiting for us to take her there.'
'Us?' mooed Captain Bill.
'That's what Annie thinks,' said Norma.
'Hmm,' replied Captain Bill, 'difficult territory...the inside of Annie's head.'
'She does talk penguin quite well,' said Norma, 'or rather she seems to understand it...and we haven't been for a sail in the Pickled Heifer for ages now.'
'True,' agreed Captain Bill, 'so it would seem we've moved into the penguin shipping business.'
'I'll round up the others,' said Norma.
And so she went to do just that.