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Of thoughts and thinks and thunks

'Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,' said Annie, 'tricky!'

'But you'd be willing to give it a go?' asked Norma.

'It'd be a challenge,' replied Annie.

'You've done as much before,' said Norma.

'It's been a long time though,' replied Annie, 'the thing in my head that I have thinks with might have completely stopped working for all I know.'

'We'd all be willing to do what we could to help,' said Norma, 'well, when I say 'all' I mean most of us.'

'I'm thinking Captain Eyepatch might be otherwise engaged?' speculated Annie.

'You see!' smiled Norma. 'You're thinking already!'

'True!' agreed Annie. 'But that was just a very small thunk, it may not have come from inside my head at all, it could easily have been just a tail think thunk.'

'But it's a good sign,' suggested Norma.

'KEEP LEFT!' mooed Annie.

'Sorry?' said Norma.

'That was another good sign,' replied Annie, 'it stopped me from falling off a cliff once. Mind you, it only worked in one direction, coming back was a nightmare!'

'I fear we might be getting off topic,' said Norma.

'Possibly,' said Annie, '............what was the topic again?'

'Would you be willing to try to have a think thunk thought about we could go about finding the pirate sheep?'

'Right,' said Annie, 'right........right...........I'm thinking............I'm thinking...........I'm thinking I may know how to make myself have such an important think.'

So Annie explained her think, Geraldine made notes and Norma fainted.


Gina said…
Hahaha...can't wait to hear what Annie thunked to make Norma faint :D XXX