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Pirate fashion weekly

'To be honest I just don't think it's me!' said Horace.

'Nooooooooooooooo.............,' replied Norma, 'possibly not!'

'I just don't see how it's going to help me write poetry?'

'...............................................................................................Actually that's not the reason behind it,' replied Norma.

'Then why wear it then?' asked Horace.

'He's got you there!' mooed Captain Bill.

'Thank you for your input!' replied Norma.

'The bag's quite useful though,' continued Horace.

'Well if you could just wear the patch for a while?' asked Norma.

'If you really want me to?' said Horace.

And Norma said that she did.

'And you want me to wear my bathing costume?' asked Captain Bill.

'That would be kind,' said Norma.

'Not sure it'll help me to write any poetry,' said Captain Bill.

'Were you intending to?' asked Norma.

'The muse might take me,' replied Captain Bill.

'We'll take the risk,' replied Norma.

'And your own costume?' said Captain Bill.

'I'm a poetry free zone,' replied Norma.

'And should I assume that you've made something for everyone?'

'Most of us,' replied Norma, 'some people did request a more direct involvement.'

'Like?' asked Captain Bill.

'.....................................................................Annie maybe?' replied Norma.
