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When help isn't!

'And there's nothing left! mooed Captain Bill. 'Nothing! Nothing at all!'

'OK!' replied Horace.

'Not even the carpets!' continued Captain Bill.

'I don't think there's anything I can do about it!' said Horace.

'I'm not asking you to do anything about it!' said Captain Bill. 'I'm just telling you!'

'I've not been back to the ship for ages,' replied Horace.

'Well your cabin's fine! Everyone else's is fine! It's just mine! Even the porthole's gone...and the ceiling!'

'................................Right!' said Horace.

'So what's happening here? Norma said I should come and help.'

'I've got to wave a flag.' said Horace.

'And you need help with that?'

'Norma seemed to think I might.'

'And what about this painting?'

'..............................................................I may have knocked it over?' replied Horace. 

'May have?'

'It's all been rather stressful.'

'So do want me to wave it for you?'

'I don't know,' replied Horace. 'I thought, what with you being Captain, you might know what to do?'

'I think flag waving falls within my capabilities,' said Captain Bill.

'Bertha expressed some doubts,' replied Horace.

'I'll have words with her!' said Captain Bill. 'So when are we supposed to wave it?'

'That's the bit I'm not sure about.'

Captain Bill thought for a while.

'I'd just wave it when you feel like it,' he suggested.

So that's what Horace did.


Gina said…
Poor Horace!! Flag waving is a very precise talent, and a poets mind is more.......vague??? :D XXX