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Just what did Horace find?

'Do you think he'll be OK?' asked Captain Bill.

'He's big enough to take care of himself,' replied Bertha.

'Must have been a shock though,' said Captain Bill. 'You can see he's upset.'

'It's very kind of you,' gasped Horace, 'but I'll be fine.'

'Actually we were talking about Cyril,' replied Bertha. 'Annie beat him to the cupcake!'

'Oh my!' muttered Horace and he turned a little pale.

'You know...I think he might have let her,' suggested Norma.

Everyone looked at Norma.

'Well it's possible!' she mooed. 'Anyway if we could return to things closer to hoof. I think we've got more important things to concentrate on.'

'True,' said Bertha.

'Indeed,' agreed Captain Bill, 'we aught to get our priorities right...........where did you find it?'

'I meant about Horace!' said Norma.

'Oh right,' replied Captain Bill. '...few bruises, scratched horn....he'll be right as rain.'

'Such concern!' said Norma.

'Think nothing of it,' replied Captain Bill, 'it's what good captaincy is all about! So was it at the bottom of the cliff?'

Horace nodded.

'It's some sort of chest,' said Bertha.

'Yes,' agreed Captain Bill and he gave it a slight tap with one hoof and then stood behind Bertha. 

'Seems harmless enough,' he added.

'The question is,' said Bertha, 'what's in it?'

'Yes,' replied Captain Bill, 'I was wondering that!' 


Armenoi said…
Either Annie has been in training or she had a very special advantage ;)
Gina said…
"Annie and Cyril sitting in a tree...Cake E. A. T. I. N. G.!..." :D XXX