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'And...and...and another thing......if....if he likes me, why doesn't he just say so? Why doesn't, why doesn't......................where've you gone?                  There you are!!! You're tiny! You're tiny, tiny...tiny..............tiny person!                                           And and another thing...if, if he likes me. Have I already said this? Wellitdoesn'tmatter...if, if he likes me.       Have you always been this small? Cus when, when, when..........................What was I saying? It was, it was, no, no, it was...or was it? Anyhow, why doesn't he...You're tiny! I was tiny once, ages and ages ago, I was, I was about this big. Oooh! Everything moved! Everything went movey, movey. Do try to stand still when you're moving, please. Pleased to be sitting, standing, still because otherwise............otherwise.....There's two of you!!!!! Two!! Two, tiny, tiny people!           Tiny!     Tiny, two, tiny people...two tiny people together! It's s'loverly! S'loverly tiny people! I shall talk to both of you! I shall talk....    I shall talk                          

                                                             What shall I talk about?

                      It doesn't matter!


Armenoi said…
Oh Norma! Left in a field with mini moos and a hangover. Poor thing.