'It looks far too much like exercise to me!' said Cyril.
'Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!' called out Annie, as she bounced past. 'It's fun! And it's not too difficult once you've got bouncing! Actually, I am beginning to suspect, that now I'm underway, things could go on indefinitely.'
'You could never do it with a full glass of wine.'
'Hmmmmmmmm?' replied Annie, as she bounced back again. 'Possibly you could get away with using a very long straw. I would have a hard think thunk about it, but I'm afraid my brain is extra wobbly at the moment.'
'I doubt it'll harm you?' said Cyril.
'There are moments when it seems a positive help!' mooed Annie.
'Excellent!' said Cyril. 'I shall look forward to the results.'
'I'll let you have a look inside my ears later on,' replied Annie, 'and you can let me know what you see.'
'Terrific!' said Cyril. 'Now, it is with some reluctance and a series of rumbling stomachs, that I suppose I should wander off towards the others?'
'OK!' replied Annie. 'I shall join you as soon as I can. I'm still having trouble with my steering though.'
'You'll master it,' said Cyril.
'I think,' replied Annie, 'that I've decided that the trick is not to worry about where I might end up but rather to take pleasure from where I already am.'
'Pearls of wisdom!' said Cyril.
'Not just now,' replied Annie. 'I don't think it would be a good idea for me to eat anything at the moment!'
Is that a very slightly surprised mini moo with Cyril or has it been standing too near too many glasses of the red?