'Just a shed full of manky old bits of rope,' Lefty explained.
'Really?' Flossie replied.
'The flock doesn't scare easily but the general opinion is that it must have belonged to a complete nutter!'
'It was only Slightly Threatening Dave who was prepared to go in there on his own.'
'Top pirate!'
'So, I've had it all cleared out and thrown away.'
'Well,' Flossie mused, 'at least it helps to explain who we sold all of that rope to.'
'Which reminds me,' Lefty said, 'been asked to say, everyone wanted to congratulate you on 'The Small Island Supply Company'. Possibly your most despicable idea yet.'
'It wasn't a bad one was it, although I couldn't have managed it without your administrative skills,' Flossie bleated. 'and how else where we going to find out the addresses of all those islands that we needed to steal.'
'And now we're almost ready to reap the rewards!'
'Indeed,' Flossie nodded. 'Now, guest rooms ready? Catering facilities prepared? Casino up and running?'
'Nearly,' Lefty replied. 'I just need you to sign off on a few things and we're ready to greet our first visitors.'
'Wonderful! I think I may risk a few evil laughs. Ha! Ha! Ha! ha! Ha!'
'Thought the fourth ha was a bit weak?'
'Can't have it all,' said Lefty.