'It makes you look very poety,' Norma said.
Horace glanced towards Norma.
'No, honestly,' Norma added.
'I thought we were supposed to be looking for costumes to make us appear to be rich holiday makers?' Horace replied.
'Well.....................yes,' Norma said, 'but it just seemed a shame not to try on some of the other costumes while we had the chance.'
'Can I take it off now?'
'You could always just borrow the hat. The hat is particularly you.'
'I'd rather not,' Horace mooed.
'Not even just for fun?'
'I'm a ......'
'Poet?' Norma finished.
'I can't help being who I am.'
'True of all of us,' Norma replied. 'You're sure about the hat though?'
'..............................Would you like me to wear it?'
'Perhaps you could try it for a while..but if you really don't like it.'
'.................................................For a while then,' Horace said.
So Horace kept the hat on and Norma went to look for something for herself.