Captain Bill stood behind the collapsed collapsible table.
So,' he began, 'as you all know, our island has for many years been the home of the World's most successful rope museum.'
Norma raised her hoof.
'Are there any others?' she asked, because she thought it might be nice to show an interest.
'.....................Probably?' Captain Bill replied. 'I mean, it stands to reason, given the overwhelming popularity of the subject, but ours is the biggest and the best, which brings me rather neatly to the subject in hand. Due to the unprecedented volume of visitors it's become apparent that a new visitors centre is urgently required and so this is your chance to invest!'
Here Captain Bill paused and shuffled his clipboard.
'.............................................................Is that it?' Norma asked after a while.
'You need to know more?'
'Well,' Norma said.
'I've got an architect's plan,' Captain Bill replied and he waved a piece of paper that appeared to have some smudges of crayon on it. 'And you're welcome to peruse the official visitors figures.'
'Oh, that would be nice,' Norma mooed.
And Captain Bill produced a second sheet of paper. Norma studied it for some time.
'According to this,' she said, 'you had 365 visitors last year?'
'Yes!' Captain Bill replied.
'And the year before?'
'Yes!' Captain Bill replied.
'And the year before that?'
'Yes!' Captain Bill replied.
'Could I,' and here Norma hesitated, '...could I just any chance....when compiling these figures.....include yourself?'
'Well, if I'm there I must be visiting,' Captain Bill replied.
'Mmm,' Norma said, 'true!....And you would be visiting how frequently?'
'Every day!' Captain Bill replied.
And Norma wondered how the trifle eating competition was going.