'I thought we'd start with pancakes,' Cyril explained, 'and then move on to pancakes, followed by pancakes.'
'Cor!' Annie mooed.
'Unless you'd prefer pancakes?' Cyril asked.
Annie thought about this for a long time.....and eventually fell asleep.
When she woke up there were pancakes.
'Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh!' she said in surprise.
There was also a handy grass syrup paddling pool.
So, Cyril made pancakes and Annie dunked them and Geraldine very helpfully topped up the syrup.
'Might I enquire,' Norma asked, because her head had arrived via a porthole, 'if some of those will make their way to the rest of us?'
Cyril put down the pancake that he was about to eat to assure Norma that there was absolutely no doubt that that had all along been their intention.
'Our only reason for making them,' he added, before eating the pancake.
'Hmm,' Norma replied.
Cyril put down the pancake he was about to eat. 'You doubt?' he asked.
'Not for a moment,' Norma replied, as she watched another pancake disappear.
And in between eating several more pancakes Cyril promised her that, as soon as the rigorous testing procedure had been completed, everyone would have copious amounts of pancakes.
'But we should save some for Norman,' Annie suggested. 'He is an elephant don't you know.'
And Norma replied that she did know and that it was very kind of Annie to think of him.
Later in the day, after considerable testing and deep consultation with Cyril and a paddle in the syrup, Annie decided that the best place to store Norman's pancakes was in her tummy.
She felt sure that Norman would approve.