'Really, I ask you, 'ow could they 'ave written such a scene?' Camille mooed.
'Oooooooooooooooh!' Captain Bill moaned.
'I 'ave a mind to completely withdraw ma support for the entire film,' Camille continued.
'Oooooooooooooooh!' Captain Bill moaned.
'But you understand that it would be depriving ma little students of a once in a lifetime educational opportunity that also 'appens to pay quite astonishing amounts of cash.'
'Oooooooooooooooh!' Captain Bill moaned.
'Also, there is always the chance that if it makes money they might well commission a series of sequels and I am thinking that sixteen weeks of exotic on location filming each year for say five years is not to be sniffed at.'
'Ooooooooooooooh!' Captain Bill moaned.
'And of course we know that it was only pretend because in real life the brave Capitaine Bile would 'ave no problem defeating a giant squid. I 'ave made this clear to Jean Claude because 'e seemed to be particularly traumatised by seeing you 'urled so far. By the way Ms Bertha said it was a new record distance. Apparently she 'as been keeping track of this for many years and even carries a tape measure and a little book for writing it down.'
'Ooooooooooooh!' Captain Bill moaned.
'You know, if you don't mind me saying so, I am sometimes finding your conversation a touch repetitive. I am suggesting that in future if you want to engage the attention of a fashionable young lady you will need to, 'ow they say, up your game.'
And Camille herded away.
To be replaced moments later by Horace.
'Cyril was just wondering...' he began.