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Making It Up As You Go Along

'The bill's correct,' Lefty whispered. 'It wasn't a mistake.'

'But who can eat that many trifles?' Flossie asked.

'Perhaps they've got a problem?' Lefty suggested. 'You know, like an addiction.'

'Possible I suppose,' Flossie bleated. 'But 315?'

'So, what now?' Lefty asked.

Flossie thought for a while. 

'Change of plan,' he eventually replied. 'We can't hang about. We'll just have to improvise.'

And he walked back onto the set.

'Right,' he began, '...............................................Scene 237.'

'What 'appended to all the other scenes!!!' Queen Phoebe exclaimed.

'Ah!' Flossie replied. 'Tis one of those filming things. We don't always shoot scenes in sequence. Might seem strange if you're not used to it but it's perfectly normal. So, scene.....?'

'237,' Lefty said.

'In which your majesty realises.........realises.........that..........the..........'

'Giant squid?' Lefty suggested.

'The giant squid,' Flossie continued.

'GIANT SQUID!!!!' Queen Phoebe cried.

'Had we not mentioned it before?' Flossie queried.

'I very much doubt it!' Queen Phoebe replied. 'It don't sound like the sort of thing His Kingshipfulness would approve of at all!'

'Thought it was in the introductory covering letter?' Flossie said. 'But still, stand corrected.'

'It is only a theatrical giant squid,' Lefty explained. 

'That's as maybe,' Queen Phoebe began, 'but it's that sort of thing that the red tops just love sticking on the front page. And anyway, what an earth would a giant squid be doing here?'

And Flossie had to admit that that was a very good question.
