Lefty yawned and scratched his fleece. It was only six o'clock in the morning but there was so much paperwork to be done. He'd already got A through to F sorted out and was about to take the next file from the shelf when there was the sound of approaching hooves from behind.'
'So, 'ere they are,' Camille called out and she presented Lefty with a number of forms.
'Hmm?' Lefty replied.
'There is, I 'ope, no problem?' Camille said.
'Well,' Lefty replied, 'I suppose I was expecting some sort of standard form.'
'Ah!' Camille mooed. 'In ma country it is customary for parents to write a consent form for their child to appear in a major blockbusting film on any old scrap of paper they can find.'
'Two of them are on tissues,' Lefty observed, 'and this one's on the back of a bar bill!'
'What can I say,' Camille replied, 'but still they are all genuine forms completed by the right people so their authenticity cannot be questioned.'
'And they all seem to have been written using some sort of...?'
'Lipstick,' Camille explained. 'It is an old acting tradition.'
'Oh!' Lefty bleated. 'Lucky the handwriting all looks the same or they'd be difficult to read.'
'This is a result of the excellent education system that exists in ma country. Something I myself am proud to be continuing.'
'Well,' Lefty replied, 'I suppose they'll be OK?'
'Tres bon!' Camille mooed. 'So, your casting about is now complete?'
'Almost,' Lefty said, 'just need to fill in one more key role and we're done.'
'And that role is?' Camille asked.
'We need to find someone to play the brave hero,' Lefty replied.
'Then look no further!' Camille exclaimed. 'I 'ave the very person!'