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A Pleasant Walk

'Curses!' Flossie cried. 'Delayed again!'

'And forced to take a diversion via the old cliff path just to get around them,' Lefty added.

Flossie paused for a moment. 

'Hmm,' he pondered out loud, 'slightly laboured lines if you ask me.'

'Helps to establish the scene though,' Lefty replied.

'....Suppose,' Flossie said, 'and it's a nice walk...good views.'

'Bit steep in places,' Lefty observed. 'I mean, it's OK for us but Mum would find it a bit of a struggle and strictly speaking they should put in some sort of safety handrail. If we weren't in such a hurry I'd speak to someone about it.'

'Maybe you could write to them?' Flossie suggested. 'After we get home.'

'Oh!' Lefty bleated. 'That's a good idea! As long as you don't mind?'

'Absolutely fine with me,' Flossie replied. 'Might be best not to put our address on it though. Possibly prefer them not to know where we live.'

'Noted!' Lefty said. 'And it would give me more time to go into detail. I could make some recommendations. Right materials, signage, placing of first aid kits, that sort of thing.'

'I'm sure they'd appreciate it,' Flossie said.

And between them they picked up the sack and set off again along the old cliff path.

But they hadn't gone much further when.......
