'Sorry for the delay,' Lefty bleated and he paused for a moment to catch his breath.
'Problem?' Flossie asked.
'They tried to overcharge on the pancakes,' Lefty replied.
'Never!!!' Flossie cried.
'Seriously,' Lefty assured him. 'I was sure I was right but the manager had mislaid the paperwork and it took ages to find it. Their filing system left a lot to be desired I can tell you.'
'Just goes to prove that it's always worth checking though,' Flossie replied.
'That's what I thought,' Lefty said, 'but I knew we were pressed for time.'
'No, no!' Flossie interrupted. 'You did absolutely the right thing. Overcharging on a catering bill is something I simply will not stand for.'
'Anyway,' Lefty continued, 'it's all sorted and paid for so we can get going whenever you want.'
'I quite like the view from here,' Flossie replied, 'but it might be for the best if we get moving. I've sent the rest of the flock on ahead, thought we could manage the crown between us. If we run we can soon catch them up.'
'Ah!' Lefty bleated, 'might be a bit of a problem.'
'What?' Flossie asked.
'It's just the crown does have quite pointy corners. Strictly speaking we shouldn't run with it...health and safety and all.'
'Right,' Flossie replied. '............................Are we OK walking with it?'
'Oh, yes!' Lefty said. 'The path down to the beach is rather steep and normally I'd advise use of safety goggles and some high vis...but under the circumstances I'd say a fast medium walking pace should be alright.'
'Fine!' Flossie replied. 'To the beach it is! Har! Har!.....Oh, I can't be bothered.