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When A New Plan Was Needed

'But you 'ave 'ad four directs 'its on Flossie alone!' Camille cried.

'And three on Lefty,' Bertha replied, 'but the staples are just bouncing off of their fleece.'

'But what can be done?' Camille asked. 'They will get away!'

Bertha stopped firing and turned to Norma.

'You take over,' she mooed, 'I need to go back to the Pickled Heifer.'

'I shall accompany you!' Camille exclaimed. 'Norma, look after ma little students if you please. I shall be setting no 'omework in my absence but if there is time you could get them to write 'ome to their parents telling them what a great time they are 'aving....Maybe encourage them to ask for more spending money?'

And so Bertha and Camille ran back towards the ship.

'Might One be of any use?' Queen Phoebe asked after they had left. 'One is feeling not quite fully used in the current crisis.'

'I'm not sure that there's anything you can do,' Norma replied. 

'One could wave in a regal type fashion,' Queen Phoebe suggested. 'His Kingshipfulness often does it. He says it helps to calm the nerves and raise the moral of the peasants.'

'That's very kind of you,' Norma mooed. 'I'm sure it would help.'

So Queen Phoebe waved in a most regal fashion and Norma and the little students all agreed that they felt better for it.

'But we still need to slow down Flossie in some way,' Norma continued. 'At the very least keep them here until Bertha returns.'

And just as Norma was trying to work out what to do Geraldine ran up to her and did some frantic wing waving and then ran on.

'Now that,' Norma said, 'is just genius!'
