'And if you like that I'll make you a full sized one,' Cyril said. Annie took a slurp through her straw. 'It's scrummy! How many strawbleberries did you put in?' she asked. 'All of them,' Cyril replied, 'and then some more.' 'Yippee!' Annie mooed. 'That's exactly what the recipe calls for. I may have a paddle in it later on.' 'A brilliant idea!' 'And then I might have a nap....adventures are very tiring.' 'That's why you shouldn't go on them all that often,' Cyril replied. 'The excitement of them can get dangerously close to exercise and no good can come of that.' 'Wise words,' Annie said. 'From now on I shall only go on an adventure when there's a W in the month....and a Q.....and 4 Ms.' And while you're waiting for Wqmmmmtober to come around?' 'Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?' Annie replied. 'I think I shall just ...
The adventures of six cartoon cows who live on an island. Created, written and illustrated by Steven Allender, aka The Great Pencil.